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Step 4: Search to Find your Countax Parts

To help you find the part you require, please click on the relevant parts catalogue in Step 3. Then follow the information below to help identify the part number which you will need to place your order.

Find the part in the PDF

To find the part you require, please look in the illustrated diagrams for the part and then scroll down to the list of numbers. Look for the number you have found and next to this will be the part number and description.

Search the Site by the Part Number

Enter your part number into the search box below. If this brings up a list of parts, look for the exact part number you entered. If you cannot see this in the main heading for each part, look for it as the old part number above the price.

Find your Spare Part in our Shop

Click on the View More button and please read all of the part information. If this is the correct part, please add the quantity you require to the cart and proceed to checkout.